Oddly enough, this all started after a period of fasting. I've been toying with fasting lately (well, perhaps I shouldn't use the word toy, as it implies playing games, and I don't play games with spiritual matters) and after my last one, I have no desire to reintroduce meat into my body. I don't even know why. I read about Daniel and his fast of fruits and vegetables, and something about his story resonated deeply with my soul. I'm not sure what, but I know this must be deep because I reached this conclusion as the aroma of mom's Jamaican curry chicken (my favorite meal) cooking in the crock pot flooded the house. For me to make a 30-day vow swearing off meat amidst that glorious smell means that this is serious. And yes, I said 30-days. I'm going to start with a trial period. I spent hours tonight on GoVeg.com and stumbled upon an online pledge from PETA vowing to play vegetarian for 30-days to live a "healthier, more compassionate life."
Now, I don't know about being more compassionate, but I do plan on being healthier. Just think of all the increased nutrients you take in by substituting veggies for meats. And think of how many days it takes for your body to fully process and digest meats versus the hours it takes to do so for fruits and veggies. Wave good-bye to any digestive issues and sluggishness after meals. That's right, I've said Good-bye! to The Itis!!! lol. I love it already! And unlike someone else I know who went "vegetarian," I will NOT be turning into a carbotarian. That's right, I said carbotarian (can't take credit for that hilarious term). This one girl I know refers to herself as a "vegetarian," but I swear the only vegetable I've seen her eat are potatoes in the form of french fries :/ Yikes. That's an excellent way to carbo-load and gain weight...I'll pass. As far as thinking of good recipes, I've already started. Tonight for dinner, I made a Portobello and Pineapple Black Bean with Corn Quesadilla (whole weat, of

As for being more compassionate...I refuse to watch the videos they have posted on the website of the inhumanity animals face to feed us. First off, I don't want to watch it because I'm sure it's repulsive (the freeze-frame of one has this huge human hand wrapped around the throat of a chicken. Gee, I wonder how that ends...I don't know, blood quirting everywhere?!?). Secondly, I believe animals were put on this earth for human use - God gave us dominion over animals. Therefore, (and I believe I've written about this before) I don't really care how bad it looks to rear and kill this animals to promote human health. Call it inhumane if you want, but guess what? Animals are not human, so treating them inhumane makes sense to me.
Quietly, I'm curious to see a snapshot of my life in 10-15 years. I could picture myself a sold-out, Go Green! vegetarian (maybe even vegan) with locks and a locked-up hubby and a few lil' rugrats running around the house in all-natural fibers - Yeah, I said it. lol I'm curious to see how this all turns out slash how long this will last...