Why is it that crackheads seem to have unlimited access to things? For instance, just the other night I was walking across Penn's campus to do some studying (and yes, it was Fall Break, so clap it up for my productivity). Mind you, it was only like 9pm,

so I wasn't expecting to seeing anything crazy...I tend to expect random events late night, say...after midnight?
And what do I see...? A crackhead...coming towards me on the sidewalk...on a

HORSE!!! I kid you not. My jaw literally hit the floor. Now, it takes a lot to stop traffic in Philly or to get people to stop in their tracks, as crazy occurrences seem to happen nonstop around here. But, of the 10-15 people that were on the street or in their cars, every last one of them stopped in their tracks and gawked. Lol...so nonsensical!!!
Like...how did he get a horse?!? This is Philly. Where would ANYONE get a horse, let alone a crackhead?!?
...and that's my random thought of the week.
(lol...so, clearly that's not the crackhead I saw...but, I couldn't resist!)
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