Now, it is time for me to sit and reflect on '08 and prepare for '09. Personally, I found 2008 to be a great year. If I had to give it a title, I think I would name it "The Preparatory Year." It was the first year I lived completely on my own - and I survived! I studied for the MCATs and started the year off by killing those :) I applied to the program I am in now and am on the road to obtaining that MD. I am spiritually back on track, which I found has helped all other areas of my life line up. I didn't fall in love or anything along those lines, but in every other area I feel that I am on the right track and am ready to face any challenge - both academically and personally.
Have you ever had that reassuring feeling that you are exactly where God wants you to be at a particular point in your life? Well, that is the feeling I have had most of this year, and I'm claiming that for 2009 as well. I truly feel that I have found my calling in life and I have done everything in my power to get me to where God wants to be; the rest is in His hands. I applied to medical school this year on what some people might call a whim (kind of how I applied to Duke for undergrad...lol, I notice a trend). Technically, it would have been a more stable, predictable process (and

I am not one for silly, simple resolutions, however I have thought of one that I believe will solidify my segue into adulthood.
...When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things... I Cor. 13:11So for 2009, I am officially putting all childish things behind me (however, I would like to retain a childlike heart - difficult, I know). Whether that be childish habits, certain slips of the tongue, or even interacting with certain people, they are all now behind me - I leave them all in 2008. I do not want to be so rash as to say If you're not for me, you are against me, however, if you are restraining me or pulling me back towards childish activities and not pushing me forward into maturity and into the destiny I am called for then...BYE-BYE! (and yall know while it is not hard for me to cut people out of my life, inanimate objects tend to be more difficult) I am tired of the monotony of the old. I need either completely new things or things that will cause me to take on new perspectives and that will stretch me to new lengths.
It's funny, I am only 23 years old and I already feel the clock of life aggressively ticking down. I feel the nipping at my heels of the Hurry up and do something big already! I am not really sure if other young people my age feel this way as well, but somehow I doubt it. And in some ways, it puts me in a lonely place. Sometimes I find it an awkward place to be in when my peers are running around enjoying the here and now and I am out with them trying not to zone off and enter the realm where I sit and question how this is preparing me to be a leader or a revolutionary. And I do want to be a revolutionary

So, to all who might read this, I wish you well. I hope 2008 has blessed you in some way and I pray that 2009 will be at least equally as kind.