Soooo...we're only 26 days into 2009, and I'm already wishing it was 2010. I am telling you, if the way you begin the year dictates the path for the rest of your year, I am not going to make it. In 26 days I have had the stomach flu, a cavity filled, a tooth cracked, a wisdom tooth pulled, met a boy (yes, a boy, not a man...haha) with enough mental and emotional problems to keep CAPS booked for the rest of the decade, and easily enough drama to fill the next 6 months. To top things off, none of these were prompted by me (except maybe the tooth...poor judgment there, I'll admit).
What do I do? Do I cut out the people making my life hell? Hmmm...I've already done that in some cases, but in others, these people are really good friends with decent to good intentions, but they just seem to manage to screw things up for me. The old me would have been quick to cut a person off, but I do love these people and I don't feel my life would quite be the same without them. However, if people repeatedly screw me over, whether unintentionally or in the process of fulfilling their needs, am I supposed to just sit there and grin and bear it? Everything inside me screams NO!
Any thoughts?
now... although i should be in bed, slumbering before a 9am client mtg, i'd rather be doing "hoodrat stuff with my friends" online.
and so... i just have to add to your comment on meeting a *boy*. my little happily single self has decided to see what's outside the walls of the duke/durham community and i'm quite appalled. the lesson i learned over winter break: all that glitters is not gold. bless this (beautiful) boys heart... not even 40 min into dinner he was divulging skelet... i mean, secrets that he had "never told anyone else". i'm talking baggage that i wasn't even trying to hear about in the first 6 months, let alone on the first date. lol i mean, i know i'm supposed to be motherly, understanding and the rest of it, but really??? i have never in my life met someone that should have been in CAPS sooner than this boy. ...bless his little heart. pls tell me your john doe waited at least a few days before revealing his innermost conflicts? hahaha
it reminds me of how alums used to say that duke kids really are the cream of the crop. i distinctly remember being told to stay tight with about 5 good duke men after graduation bc the pickings are slim in the real world (and likewise with women). ah well... for now i'll just relish being single, sexy and free ;)
p.s. please tell me ol boy didn't have the freeway beard? lmao...
How could getting a stomach flu lead you to consider cutting off someone? Sounds like a story that I need to hear...
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