Figs! (namely Turkish Figs from Whole Foods)

We all remember those delish little Fig Newton treats as children. Mmmmm. Well, take out all the white carbs wrapped around the sugar (after all, FigNewtons were packed with fig jam, not just figs) and return to nature! Two of these are just as tasty as any ol' bad-for-you FigNewton. They are scrumptious and a great snack on-the-go. They are dessert just as God designed :)
Coconut Water!
Now, those of you who know me, know that usually at the sight of a coconut, my sympathetic nervous system kicks in, full throttle - my jaw clenches up, I start profusely salivating...in sum, my body undergoes an intense rush of stress as it know what will happen if coconut enters my blood stream. Blah, to allergic reactions. However, for some reason,
coconut water is a completely different story. The perfect tasty, fat-free, very low-calorie liquid treat for summer. Added bonus: it's choc-full of vitamins and minerals (though, I'm sure as packaged in the US, these are probably added in).
Figs + Coconut Water + the Shore = quite the lovely vacay!
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