Rewinding right quick to his Internet apology, a lot of people said it seemed insincere and they just didn't believe it. Let me ask you naysayers a question. How nervous do you imagine you'd feel if you new you were about to make a public apology (about an act your are already ashamed of yourself for) that would be repeatedly watched and scrutinized indefinitely, and that every word and gesture you'd make would be picked apart? Personally, I'd be scared to death. I'd probably be sweating

Now, back to the Larry King Live interview. A lot of people cannot seem to get past the fact that Chris can't remember actually hitting Rihanna. From personal experience, I'll say that I 100% believe him. I've been in an impromptu scuff before. I'll give you the short version of the story. We were at a very nice club and lounge and we were meeting up with a group of guys. They had bought a table, thus they had the right to dictate who could sit in the area and who could not. They (the guys and the club) had repeatedly asked this group of hoodrat girls (how they got in, I have no idea) to relocate, but the farthest the girls would go was to the other end of the table. So enter us. We come in, the guys are being extra nice to us, buying bottles of champagne and sliced strawberries (p.s. fellas, that last one is a nice touch!) - the works. We're all in engaging conversations, then my friend and I go to the bathroom. We come back, and the three of us decide to go dance. All I remember happening is

Chris is very tight-lipped about the events leading up to the event (I suspect out of respect to Rihanna, but I could be wrong). In doing so, we have absolutely no idea what prompted his "snap," and as such, people need to fall back on the judging! We all know he grew up in a home where domestic violence occurred (bless him and his mom for having to publicly relive all those old buried emotions), and we have no idea what effect that had on him subconsciously. None whatsoever. For all we know, she could have called him something or struck him that triggered a series of reactions in his brain that caused him to lose control momentarily. Paired with the fact that he's a strong young man who's been trained in martial arts, his snapping physically on someone is not the same as you or I snapping on someone. Cut the guy some slack.
The only comment I agree with was that the bow tie was not working. As for everything else negative said, fall back hypocritical America - Fall.Back. I know you all would not deal well with every flaw and transgression of yours publicly broadcast.
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