It was a good look slowly packing up my desk and books and such in Banker’s Boxes (my new favorite moving supply!). Let’s pause a second and give respect where respect is due. Banker’s Boxes are what’s up, if you didn’t know. One, I have a slight OCD-like complex when it comes to organization…as in, highly organized things make me feel very good. I love Banker’s Boxes because they’re small with hand holes, so I could load up a bunch of heavy books in each and not worry about not being able to carry them like I do for larger moving boxes. With a little creativity, I can easily fit about 7 in the trunk of my car, freeing up more space in the back seat (though, I still need to load my car for tomorrow, so things might change (as I’m sitting here typing, I’m starting to think they might do better stacked in the back seat…hmmm…).

What is it about packing that so upsets and irritates the human spirit? The most obvious annoyance is the monotonous activity that comprises packing. Usually, you start with a respectably organized area, create chaos so that you can sort thru things, and then sit and fold and wrap items for hours. So, not only is it repetitive, but also, you have to make things messy in order to accomplish your goal.
Next on the list, or at least on my list, is the decreased view of self that accompanies the process. Let me explain. If you've read some of my earlier posts, particularly those pertaining to minimalism, you'd know that I have consciously been working towards moving to a more minimalist lifestyle. Simply put, the act of packing slaps me in the face with how far away I am from a minimalist lifestyle. Like really, how do I have this much stuff? And why can't I follow my own rule of "if I haven't used or seen it in the past year, it's time to throw is away"??? Yes, when I pause and reflect, I see how pitiful I look drowning in a room full of stuff I hardly ever utilize...and then I feel foolish...and then I feel a little less good about myself.
Ah well. I finally packed up and made the long drive down to New Orleans! I'm staying with a mentee of mine from undergrad who's here for Law School, and I'll be moving into my summer sublet on Sunday! Since I'll be doing my own apartment shopping for a late July move, I think I might spend the next few weeks just living out of boxes...I'm not really trying to unpack only to have to turn around an re-pack.
Random Aside: How come all those packing commercials and ads always show the people looking so happy with big Cheshire cat grins plastered to their faces while I always look distressed???
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