Since it is finals week, I will keep this post short. So, I was studying in the bookstore today (the campus bookstore is huge, and includes a full-sized Barnes & Noble, so there is plenty of reading space). Anywho, I enjoy studying in public places with plenty of white noise in the background (as I tend to recite aloud and/or make odd noises while I study…don’t ask, it just helps me concentrate and remember things). But, there was one conversation today that I just could not tune out. So, this white woman plops down at the table behind me (now, normally I wouldn’t pay any mind to the people around me, but she took 10 minutes to get settled and was making unnecessary noises the whole time). About an hour after she sat down a store worker walked by. I kid you not, she snapped at him as if he was her waiter, “Hey you!” (whistle and snaps)…the nerve of som
e people! (Everyone in the area turned their heads) She then proceeded to ask him a series of arbitrary questions about books scattered throughout the two-story building (not even in his section). Here comes the kicker: she then asked what was the deal with putting all of those Barack books on display in front of the Starbuck’s area. Now, this guy (bless his heart) is an über hippie young white guy. Their conversation proceeded something like this…
Woman: What’s the deal with all those Barack books on display over there?
Dude: Um…we’re a bookstore? We put books on display? (clearly confused)
Woman: I mean, I don’t see any McCain books displayed…
Dude: …
Woman: On a campus of an institution such as this, I would expect neutrality, in regards to politics. What sort of an agenda are you trying to push anyway?!?
Dude: I believe the Obama books are on display because they’re on sale…
Woman: Well, why aren’t McCain’s books on sale??
Dude: I think its just because Obama’s books are really popular. We keep selling out–
Woman: - yeah yeah yeah. But you all should be promoting McCain as much as you do Obama. You are not here to push your own agenda!
Dude: Uh, I really just think its because we’re a bookstore and his books are very popular...
Now, this dialogue proceeded as such for the next 10 minutes or so, with them each repeating the same 1-2 sentences. You do not even know…your girl nearly fell out! Maybe it was because I had been studying for entirely too long, but I found this interaction hysterical! I’m pretty certain this young man had nothing to even do with that section of the store. When asked about McCain’s books, I don’t think he was even certain McCain had written a book, let alone where to find them in the store if they did exist. Beyond looking utterly confused, I think he thought (as did the rest of us) that this woman had just lost her mind. And, hey…why couldn’t she get it through her thick skull the simplicity of the matter: if you want McCain’s books on display, they need to be popular (especially among college
students, as this is a college campus…take your middle-aged self to the burbs)…and, if you want his books to sell, you need McCain to be personable and interesting…none of which he is to me. Actually, the more I watch him, the more socially awkward he appears. Did anyone catch him with the Dalai Lama?!? I think all those botox injections are starting to spread through McCain’s whole being…talk about a walking stiff!!! Lol… But, why does McCain look like he's using the Dalai Lama as a cane?!? Even if he is 72, that is still inappropriate!! (sidenote: the Dalai Lama is only 1 year older than McCain) Lololol...ok, let me stop…
1 comment:
i like reading your blog more than i like writing my own lol
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