So, besides this being finals week, my computer decides to go ahead and be weak, and allow umpteen viruses to infect my computer. To summarize my frustrations... 1) every other time I turn on my computer, it automatically shuts off in 30 seconds, 2) the virus(es) prevent me from accessing certain websites, especially those that discuss how to delete these viruses and improve your computer safety, 3) they restrict me from installing the necessary Windows updates that include patches to block them, 4) apparently, they are compromising my online security, 5) they frequently cause my laptop to freeze and make odd noises...really, the list could continue.
I was talking to a friend about my troubles, and instead of being sympathetic she laughed in my face and said there aren't any known viruses for Mac pcs, which got me thinking...How is that possible? Granted, I doubt there are any viruses for Linux, but then again, who uses that? Mac, on the other hand, is pretty popular, why not harass those users too?

Want my opinion on the matter? Either Mac is secretly hiring these computer hackers to devise obnoxious viruses specifically targeting the Bill Gates empire (which is my bet) or Mac pcs are so tightly structured, its taking hackers a looooong time to devise a plan, however, once they do, I believe it will devastate the entire Mac community. Maybe Mr. Gates isn't a good boss, and all his disgruntled employees spend their free time making these pests to target the holes they know are in the system. Eh, either next laptop, if it is my choice, will be a Mac. Go Apple!
I was talking to a friend about my troubles, and instead of being sympathetic she laughed in my face and said there aren't any known viruses for Mac pcs, which got me thinking...How is that possible? Granted, I doubt there are any viruses for Linux, but then again, who uses that? Mac, on the other hand, is pretty popular, why not harass those users too?

Want my opinion on the matter? Either Mac is secretly hiring these computer hackers to devise obnoxious viruses specifically targeting the Bill Gates empire (which is my bet) or Mac pcs are so tightly structured, its taking hackers a looooong time to devise a plan, however, once they do, I believe it will devastate the entire Mac community. Maybe Mr. Gates isn't a good boss, and all his disgruntled employees spend their free time making these pests to target the holes they know are in the system. Eh, either next laptop, if it is my choice, will be a Mac. Go Apple!
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