This post is going to be more free-thought in format...
Let's start with the host, Russell Brand = hilarious!! A million times better than that Sarah Silverman they had last year (maybe I just don't get her humor? But, somehow I doubt its just me) though his hair was...distracting...but, maybe that's a British rock star thing? I love how he, a British man, started off pubbing for Obama: "...Please, for the sake of the world, please vote for Barak Obama! …I know America is a forward-think country, how else would you have elected a retarded cowboy to office for 8 years?!? (lol) In Britain, we wouldn't have let bush hold a pair of scissors…” Aaahhhahahaha…got to love it!
I’m come to realize, no matter how hard I try to push it, I'm just not a Rihanna fan. “Umbrella” was hot (and let’s admit it, that all about the producer), other than that, I'll pass on her music. However, this little duet with TI was hot...might have used a much borrowed hook...is there an original thought left on the planet? Nah, didn't think so…
Oh yeah, TI is free!!! Yay!!!
Weezy F. Baby...too bad he is not attractive…not in the least. Talented young man, brilliant lyricist, but that is where that ends. But, just imagine if Lil’ Wayne looked handsome…crazy, right?!?
Chris Brown and Weezy shooting each other out...aww, how cute!!! You see, there is love left in the hip hop community!!!

Fanny Pack won! They might have not won on ABDC, but they’ve certainly won the hearts of Americans.
Pussy Cat Dolls...remember when Nicole went solo??? Lol…just a random thought that popped in my head. Also, I remember disdaining that song...and then it was somehow played on repeat on MTv, and became a “hit”…funny how that seems to happen… (Sidenot on MTv, I question the validity of having a VMA on a network that no longer truly shows music videos. As Justin Timberlake so loudly pointed out last year, MTv needs to play more music and less of these nonsense reality TV shows…but, I digress)
I don't get The Jonas Brothers craze. I honestly tried to put myself in the shoes of a 12 year old girl…and I just don’t get it. I can appreciate their promise rings (back off media). I think both Russell Brand and Jordan Sparks went a bit overboard…he just kept going on and on about them and their virginity, I mean, I feel like that’s just something you need to respect, especially in this day and age. And Sparks, I love her for standing up for them, she just needed to tone it down a few decibels.

Rock Band 2, what?!? with cymbals?!? That is basically a full drum set!!! Oh, it is on!!! Allow me to go on a brief tangent: The next installment of Guitar Hero (Guitar Hero World Tour) has, wait for it… …. … Flo-Rida's "Low" on its track list. What is this world coming too?!? I know many people who wanted a hip hop song on a Guitar Hero or Rock Band track list, but Low?!? Granted, Michael Jackson’s “Beat It” is said to also be on the game, but Low…I just have no words…

Lol, wait… Corbin Bleu, (the black boy from High School Musical…and no, as much as I love musicals, I have never watched it) he looks real cute off-set...not at all like that 16-year-old they make him play. I was in shock…looking like a man and all…I, for one, and impressed! Oh wait, let me stop…just looked up his info online…he’s definitely 4 years younger…let me nix that right now.
Paris Hilton's show (My New Bff)...wow, Paris!!! Way to slap Nicole Richie in the face! At least she has her ish together, and I respect her as a person…Paris…I have no words for you…and, does anyone else feel like Paris talks like she’s doped up on pain killers or something all the time? I’m just saying…
I see you LL Cool J, with the Jersey t-shirt on!! (Exit 13...you don't know what that means)...I’m just confused b/c he's from Queens...but whatevs, way to represent! Oh wait, this just in...its the name of his latest album (makes sense b/c you take Exit 13 on the NJ turnpike to go to Queens, aha…epiphany!)

Tokyo Hotel. 1) who are you? (ok, I know who they are, but only from my time spent in Germany…they did not deserve that award) 2) Male or Female...all members? The one I thought was obviously female opened its mouth...confusion then ensued.
I'm pretty sure the three awards Britney Spears won were an apology from MTv for exploiting her. These past few years, when she was going through hard times, they were quick to throw her before the cameras, knowing that she was a train wreck and that ratings would soar. Just take a look at last year’s VMAs. She opened them, was clearly on X, and just looked all-around like trash on-stage (they threw her up there against Timbaland’s wishes, the grand maestro of the night). Then, after that dreadful performance, Sarah Silverman proceeded to bash her and her children (I’m sorry, but no matter how much you dislike or disapprove of someone, you don’t call their children mistakes). Personally, I’m surprised she never won a Moonman before, as she’s had some good videos (“I’m a Slave”, “Toxic”, “One more Time”), but this year, other people deserved to win (i.e. Usher – “Love in this Club”, Weezy - “Lollipop”), some of which weren’t even mentioned (first two to pop in my head being Kanye West and Jay-Z).
I'm forever a P!NK, Christina Aguilera, and Kid Rock fan! I appreciate them, as they keep it real and do what they want…whether it is country, rock, rap, or singing (and they all have beautiful voices). They are original in their performances, creating new sounds and styles…and I liked all of their new songs! Best of all, they do not care if anyone is feeling them, as long as they are feeling themselves, they are happy. P.s. – Kid Rock, nice duo with Weezy (told you that boy had skill)!

Last, but certainly not least, what was Kanye doing at the end of the show?!? At times like these, he really seems to be Diddy incarnate...not a good look pimpin'(both have egos and try to “sing” when they shouldn't). Stick to what you do! (ps - don't they look like brothers in this pic I found?!? lol...ut-oh...)
All-in-all, decent show! Unlike last year, which was just a hotmess of a party in Vegas where everyone seemed on the verge of passing out, everyone this year seemed put together and still enjoying themselves. We appreciate it MTv, as in if we cannot be at the party, don’t ever again present us with a 3hour documentary of disjointed party that we cannot partake in or even begin to understand fully what is occurring. I know it is the more laid back awards show on television, but I’m glad to see it returned to a presentable broadcast. However, I am a wee-bit disappointed, for what are the VMAs without some sort of debacle?!?