Well, first there was the Charlie Gibson interview. Not as bad as her next interview, but horrible, nonetheless. Then came the infamous Katie Couric interview. Now, to the Republican National Committee, "What were you thinking?!?" Seating Palin before
Did anyone else notice the change in Palin's voice between the two interviews? Gibson interview, it was normal. Couric interview - high pitched, shaky and screeching...she was probably scared to death, and rightly so...
And just when you thought Palin had been humiliated enough, SNL hit with possibly their greatest skit EVER!!! I honestly believe that Tina Fey deserves an Emmy for her remarkable performance of Palin. Like, I honestly forgot that was Fey a few times. People say Christian Bale was born to play Batman, well I say Tine Fey was born to play Palin. As a friend and I were discussing, possibly the funniest part about the whole skit was that most of it was verbatim from her interviews or public appearances, and yet still so hilariously idiotic!
You might be wondering, where has Palin been this past week? You want to know my opinion? If the Republican National Committee has any sense left in them, they have Palin hidden in a cave, strapped to a chair, eyelids tapped back and are bombarding her with information from all realms of politics (and perhaps throwing in a public speaking class or two).
I really want Palin to go on The View. They say they want to play nice and give her an opportunity to voice herself to America, but I know they'd tear her apart (except
Oh, and the Vice Presidential debates are coming up (Oct. 2nd)!!! Biden vs. Palin. Hmmm...who do you think will win? I cannot wait! I wonder if she has ever participated in a debate, as in even back in high school...lol. This should be one for the books.
Lol...THANK YOU, PALIN!!! I haven't laughed this hard in weeks...
Oh, before I forget, does anyone know if Palin would become the presumptive Republican nominee for President if McCain were to become incapacitated during this campaign period?
Last ps, I swear. Please look at Matt Damon going off about the absurdity of McCain's selection of Palin as his VP, when he has a 1 in 3 chance of not surviving through his first term in office...lol. He also likened this entire situation to a Disney movie gone wrong (also, a hilarious clip). Chevy Chase and his wife also went off on Palin...lol...I swear, I could keep going for hours...pure comedy, gotta love it :)
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