I remember playing tag football after school way back in elementary schools. We played with mixed boys and girls teams, two-hand touch style...but, I remember how much fun we had running around, trying to beat our opponents with "fancy footwork." But, the most fun we had were showing off our touchdown dances! I remember practicing these little dances with friends, imitating what we had seen in games or on commercials.
Fast-forward roughly 15 years...
I'm sitting here watching the VA Tech vs. UNC game, and UNC's Tate made a pretty nice run for a TD, but according to the refs "unnecessarily dove into the end zone," which they call excessive celebration, resulting in a penalty. What in the world has the game of football come to??? I remember days when the touchdown dance was revered and imitated by sports fans everywhere.
...and why are the refs acting like its a game like golf or tennis, where restraint and quietness are encouraged? Not to demean these aforementioned sports, but they are a bit on the anal-retentive end of the spectrum of sports. But, football? Football is nearly the antithesis of golf. As a rather physical sport, the players literally throw their whole bodies into the sport, and I think its only right that they be able to celebrate with their bodies in a little dance. I mean, really...what harm is a little 15 second celebratory dance inflicting? I know that I'd be excited as anything if I scored a touchdown, more so if it was like a 50yd run. Can you imagine how much adrenaline is pumping through those veins?? I think this overregulation of the game is taking a little heart out of it. I mean, a little celebratory exhibition is quite commonly a natural reaction. To restrict that, is to restrict a part of the player...
1 comment:
The NCAA doesn't allow celebrations because they deemed it unsportsmanlike. I think it's ridiculous as long as you aren't celebrating in the other teams face i don't think there's anything wrong with a short celebration. The NFL has cracked down on celebrations because they don't want the players drawing attention towards themselves and away from the brand that is the NFL. Troy Polamalu from the Pittsburgh Steelers said that the NFL is becoming a pansy league. They fine people for EVERYTHING now. btw if you don't know who troy polamalu is, youtube him. He is the definition of brute force and art (no homo). He has his hair flying in the wind as he's diving all over the field making tackles. He looks like somebody strapped a diana ross wig on a torpedo, taught the torpedo ballet, then shot it at somebody.
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