Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Kleptomaniac Crackheads

Why is it that crackheads seem to have unlimited access to things? For instance, just the other night I was walking across Penn's campus to do some studying (and yes, it was Fall Break, so clap it up for my productivity). Mind you, it was only like 9pm, so I wasn't expecting to seeing anything crazy...I tend to expect random events late night, say...after midnight?

And what do I see...? A crackhead...coming towards me on the sidewalk...on a HORSE!!! I kid you not. My jaw literally hit the floor. Now, it takes a lot to stop traffic in Philly or to get people to stop in their tracks, as crazy occurrences seem to happen nonstop around here. But, of the 10-15 people that were on the street or in their cars, every last one of them stopped in their tracks and gawked. Lol...so nonsensical!!!

Like...how did he get a horse?!? This is Philly. Where would ANYONE get a horse, let alone a crackhead?!?

...and that's my random thought of the week.

(lol...so, clearly that's not the crackhead I saw...but, I couldn't resist!)

Monday, October 13, 2008

Red Bull: Wings, Brainwashing, and Strokes

I am the first to admit that I know absolutely NOTHING about advertising. However, from pure observation, it is crystal clear that anyone wanting to market anything needs to take a close look at Red Bull and emulate them. I mean...come on now...their reign on the energy drink market is ridiculous. How many people do you know that drink Red Bull? How many of these people are addicts and seem to always have a can on-hand for any given occasion? The messed up part is that I bet the people you're thinking of range in age from like 10-80 years old...lol. I mean, how is that even feasible?!? How in the world do you get people of all ages hooked on a product in a matter of mere months?!? Maybe, just maybe, they sprinkle a little crack in it...lol.

And what's even more absurd is their marketing campaign. I know we've all seen the crazy commercials, but have you actually really paid attention to them? Half of them make absolutely no sense!!! Whomever thought of the phrase "Red Bull gives you wings" must be a multimillionaire (and, was probably a rather simple individual that lucked out...but, I digress).

I do think that in the past year, Red Bull commercials have come full-circle and are starting to at least address the fact that it gives you a boost of energy, both mentally and physically. Actually, on second thought, most of these latest Red Bull commercials are just overtly sexual. But, I suppose by American standards, sex does sell... These advertisers are genius though. Think of how few pennies it costs to sketch those little cartoons (shoot, they could even do that flip-book style) and think how much any other commercial must cost to film and edit...

It probably doesn't hurt that they run around the country sponsoring ridiculous events, such as the Red Bull Soapbox race that hit here in Philly about a month ago. Oh, and they drive around in those little Red Bull hatchbacks, handing out free drinks. Actually...the more I think of it, Red Bull's campaign is probably based on some subliminal form of brainwashing...but, hey, it's clearly working.

All-in-all, Red Bull's reign has been pretty impressive...even if they might be helping to shorten the average American life-span (to be fair, I only say American because, although its a global product, Americans tend to abuse anything that can increase performance). There is a reason "Red Bull gives you wings" and that is because of the insane about of caffeine and different sugars found packed in that tiny little can. Sure, having one every-so-often probably isn't going to hurt you. But, think of all the people that are truly addicted...those that have at least one every evening, if not 3 through-out the day. Umm, caffeine addiction is REAL people! I know people that have wound up in the hospital due to a Red Bull-induced caffeine OD...no lie. I mean, there is a reason Red Bull is banned in certain countries (i.e. Norway, Denmark, Uruguay). But, do your thing, Red Bull...keep promoting early heart attacks and strokes!!!