Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Bye-bye '08

So, I've been a bit m.i.a. during the end of the semester, but I must say the hard work paid off. You see, I don't mind being a hermit, as long as I reap the rewards...and I did, yay to all A's!!!

Now, it is time for me to sit and reflect on '08 and prepare for '09. Personally, I found 2008 to be a great year. If I had to give it a title, I think I would name it "The Preparatory Year." It was the first year I lived completely on my own - and I survived! I studied for the MCATs and started the year off by killing those :) I applied to the program I am in now and am on the road to obtaining that MD. I am spiritually back on track, which I found has helped all other areas of my life line up. I didn't fall in love or anything along those lines, but in every other area I feel that I am on the right track and am ready to face any challenge - both academically and personally.

Have you ever had that reassuring feeling that you are exactly where God wants you to be at a particular point in your life? Well, that is the feeling I have had most of this year, and I'm claiming that for 2009 as well. I truly feel that I have found my calling in life and I have done everything in my power to get me to where God wants to be; the rest is in His hands. I applied to medical school this year on what some people might call a whim (kind of how I applied to Duke for, I notice a trend). Technically, it would have been a more stable, predictable process (and more in my favor) if I had waited to complete the program and then applied this upcoming summer. Prompted by what I feel was nudge from God, I applied this year - possibly a year early, while simultaneously a few months late in the application cycle, yet somehow right on time. When God says GO!, who am I to say NO!?!? I do believe that He will shut the doors to institutions He does not want me at and will open the doors where He wants me to be. At this point, it is my job to sit back and have faith that He will keep His promise - which He always does! Talk about a reassuring feeling :)

I am not one for silly, simple resolutions, however I have thought of one that I believe will solidify my segue into adulthood.
...When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things... I Cor. 13:11
So for 2009, I am officially putting all childish things behind me (however, I would like to retain a childlike heart - difficult, I know). Whether that be childish habits, certain slips of the tongue, or even interacting with certain people, they are all now behind me - I leave them all in 2008. I do not want to be so rash as to say If you're not for me, you are against me, however, if you are restraining me or pulling me back towards childish activities and not pushing me forward into maturity and into the destiny I am called for then...BYE-BYE! (and yall know while it is not hard for me to cut people out of my life, inanimate objects tend to be more difficult) I am tired of the monotony of the old. I need either completely new things or things that will cause me to take on new perspectives and that will stretch me to new lengths.

It's funny, I am only 23 years old and I already feel the clock of life aggressively ticking down. I feel the nipping at my heels of the Hurry up and do something big already! I am not really sure if other young people my age feel this way as well, but somehow I doubt it. And in some ways, it puts me in a lonely place. Sometimes I find it an awkward place to be in when my peers are running around enjoying the here and now and I am out with them trying not to zone off and enter the realm where I sit and question how this is preparing me to be a leader or a revolutionary. And I do want to be a revolutionary in the field of medicine. I am not sure how yet, but I do feel a calling to do something BIG in that field - to shake some things up and do something new. But, this is turning into somewhat of a depressing tangent that I am not about to indulge - at least not on this post.

So, to all who might read this, I wish you well. I hope 2008 has blessed you in some way and I pray that 2009 will be at least equally as kind.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Alzheimer's Disease

I am going to attempt to write this entry as coherently as possible, but please, bear with me, as I have, roughly, a million and one emotions and thoughts fluttering around in my head about this subject and just need to get them out.

My grandma is currently has Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and she's been dying from it for the past few years. Unfortunately, she isn't the first person in the family to fall victim to the disease, although, I am much closer to her than the other family member. When people ask how she's doing, I never know what to say. Even on a good day, her best is still heading towards a certain death. So, how am I supposed to answer that? To say, "She's doing great,"...well, that's not really true. She might be doing great in the sense that she remembers who I am, but her brain is still shriveling up and she is still going to die, so, as I said, even on her best day, she's still doing pretty poorly... But, I just smile and shrug and hope they don't continue to press the issue.

Now, I'm not going to be so brash as to sit here and say that any disease is worse than another one. I've lost many relatives from everything ranging from prolonged battles with cancers to random accidents, so I feel that I can say with some measure of authority that Alzheimer's might be one of the worst, if not the worst, diseases to die from. It is hard not only on the individual, but also on the family. The repercussions of the disease are nearly immeasurable. Everyone I know that has been affected by the disease (myself included) agrees that we would rather take our lives than have to put ourselves and our families through the prolonged painful, degrading, and emotional process of living with and dying from AD. I don't even know where to begin...

Try to imagine, if you will, having to take care of someone on a daily basis. Now, you love this person dearly (whether they ever expressed that love back, now that's a different story). You take so much time and energy into caring for the person, working so hard to only momentarily bring a smile to their face, only to have them two seconds later either 1) not know who you are or 2) what they had just experienced. So, all this effort and struggle (and trust, it usually is a struggle, if not a down-right fight) you put into making them as comfortable and as happy as possible is forgotten in a matter of if you never done anything in the first place. Do you know what type of love it takes to do this? Aaaand, on a daily basis??? Do you have any idea how much pain this brings?

And, the situation only gets worse when that individual was not necessarily nice or a "good" during their normal days. (This is a trend I am starting to notice as seems that no matter how hard death is to deal with, it is always infinitely harder when it is someone genetically close to you that you actually don't really love or know that well, but you wind up spending their last days with them...but, this is a completely different story I'm digressing into...)

And then comes the guilt for not being there. We have lived way out here in Jersey since I was born, while the rest of the family has remained in Michigan. They are the ones dealing with this stuff on a daily basis. Sure, when we visit (which we have been trying to increase the amount of times we go home), we do as much as we can to take her to the doctors and clean things up and give the rest of the family a break from the monotony of this, but there is only so much you experience in ~10 day segments of time. Granted, those aren't necessarily the easiest weeks, and it is always difficult to get back on the plane and leave, knowing the situation you are leaving behind and how much of a benefit to other members of the family you are when you are there. Plus, there is only so much one can do over the phone/internet... We seriously considered moving to Michigan, especially after my graduation, but unless my mom can find a job within her company out there, we don't see that happening. But, you never is still a possibility.

Finally, there is struggle with putting them in a nursing home, and knowing that that will probably be the death of them. Nursing homes in America are horrible. Patients are frequently abused or neglected - basically, left to die in their beds. And I really don't know how much I can ask from the staff at these facilities. Clearly, I don't expect abuse or complete neglect, but, there have been many times people in the family have gotten absolutely frustrated dealing with my grandma. Part of AD is the degeneration of the brain, resulting in a person of unstable emotions, a person who often and easily gets confused and lies (thinking they are telling the truth, mind you), a person is stubborn and hides things for no reason, one who becomes indignant one minute and then acts like an innocent 5-year-old in the blink-of-an-eye. There have been moments when we have all wanted to scream at her, and that's our own flesh and blood that we love. How much easier is it for a perfect stranger to come into the same experience and just give up and leave them be? Or to snap and shove them aside (not intentionally hard), but these are the elderly, and they have little strength, and one thing leads to another and one wrong slip can result in a broken hip or worse...

Either way, it is a lonely place, and you know that committing her there is sentencing her to death. Not that death isn't coming anyway, but still...nobody wants to be the one to "pull the trigger," let alone on their own mother.

There are many things I left out, but this situation encompasses too much. I haven't even touched upon the financial aspects of this whole thing or on the current living situation or on the joys of dealing with the government. There are just so many bittersweet, or just bitter, memories popping into my mind as I sit here and type. I even cried while writing this, and you know I don't really cry. I hate it, hate it, hate it!!! So, if you will, remember my family in prayers, even if you don't know us. I would really appreciate it.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Too Smart for Lies...

Now, I hate to toot my own horn, but I'm a let you in on a little something: I have an IQ last measured at 136. So, needless to say, I am classified as "gifted". (if you are ever capable of getting my ADD-mind to sit and focus for 10 minutes straight, you'd be impressed ...but, I digress) I say all of this not to blow myself up, but to let some people know that I am no fool. You can lie to my face all you want, but 99 times out of 100, I know right then and there that you are lying. The odd time out, I'll probably figure it out by the next time I talk to you. It is just like 99% of the bums on the street asking for bus fare: don't come to me begging for bus fare while you reek of old whiskey and beer...I know the deal!

So, why do I play dumb? Simple. The more I pretend to not know, the more people tend to talk and divulge information that I would otherwise have to con out of them in order to support my theory. In short, it makes my life simpler to pretend not to know, rather than to come out and combat lies head-on, only resulting in more lies and back-tracking. Moreover, half of the time, it is not worth the effort of confronting people. It either leads to more lies or some other type of increased drama, and rarely results in a simple apology and a statement of the already-known truth.

For those of you who do not know me, my biggest pet-peeve is lying...for many reasons. Namely, it is just soooo pointless. Most of the time, the truth will eventually show. And when it does, I swear, the longer it takes to surface, the larger the repercussions. Secondly, lying is, more or less, testing my intelligence. (This especially applies to men.) Like, you think I am that dumb to fall for your silly, middle-school lies?!? Do you really think that I am that simple to believe your ill-conceived excuses?!? Do you realize 1) who you are talking to? 2) who I am connected to? and 3) what I am capable of? The answers to all three of those is obviously NO, otherwise, people would stop messing with me!

And then, there are the unprompted lies...the lies that come out of the blue when the person isn't even asked a question. I remember this girl from college was a compulsive liar and manipulator. Took most people, including myself, a while to realize that most of what was coming out of her mouth was a lie, a half-truth, or just purposefully misleading. Needless to say, she graduated with hardly any friends...hmmm...wonder why? It is one thing to lie when backed into a corner, still unexcusible, but at least it is understandable. Now, to just boldly spew forth lies for your own twisted enjoyment...?!? I recommend psychological help...and stay out of my life until you do so!

Granted, I will take partial responsibility for repeated instances of lying, for if I had taken the energy to nip them in the bud in the first place, perhaps people wouldn't repeatedly lie. Then again, some people are compulsive liars. Some people lie for fun. Other people lie even when they know that the other person knows the truth. I suppose, I cannot take too much credit for other people's behaviors, after all, they are their behaviors, not mine. And people wonder why I have trust issues...

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Thank YOU, Dubya!

As you may or may not know, there is a film out belovedly entitled "W." Now, I personally thought that the movie was a parody based on the previews...that is, until I heard it was directed by Oliver Stone. How that fool ever came to be President, even with a Presidential father...the world may never know...

Want to know my opinion about W.? Sadly enough, I do believe that without this idiotic cowboy's 8-year-reign-of-terror, there is a good chance that Obama would not have won the Presidential Election. I am not too optimistic about the country I live in, nor about the intentions of its people. More often than not, I expect the worst out of American citizens. As such, I honestly believe that if W. hadn't sunken our nation into such all-time lows, the nation would not have been prepared to elect its first Black President.

Think about it. Had Bush been someone with half a brain and done a decent job, the US would not be in its horrible job and financial crises, would not be spending billions on some revenge war, and would not be hated by the rest of the world. Had he done as good of a job at protecting our National Bank and securing jobs for US citizens as he did fattening the pockets of the nation's wealthiest, then voters would have gone into the elections content and not looking for change...not looking for a savior from this disaster we have been lead into.

I was talking to some of my friends on election night and someone made a very good point. They said that in order to vote for Obama, you truly had to have the interest of the entire nation, especially if you were in the wealthier class of citizens. And it is so true...sad, but TRUE! That is a shame that we can say that people are now finally voting on a President based on the good of a nation, as a whole, and not by class. It is about time!

So I suppose I owe G.W. a note of thanks. Thank you for leading my nation into a black hole for the past eight years, for even if we all had to suffer and been made to look like fools, in the end, I got a Black President out of it! I might have lost some respect for some of my "friends" during the elections (that moment came when the wealthy, white, uber religious conservatives I went to high school with started changing fb statuses to Obama being the anti-Christ and quoting scripture to support...but, I digress)

(And NO, I did NOT vote Obama because he was Black, but because he was the only competent choice on the McCain would've been voting for Dubya again, only he might have died and been replaced with an even dumber hockey mom!)

Real quick before I leave... Two types of people I will never understand: Gay Republicans and Republican Latinos...not even why, but HOW?!?

Monday, November 3, 2008

Let Me Flyyy!

.:Rosa sat, so Martin could walk…
Martin walked, so Obama could run…
Obama is running, so we can fly:.

I attended an impromptu Obama rally this morning in North Philly with special guests Mary J., Diddy, and Jay-Z (yes, Bey made an rolling down the car window :/ ) While they spoke maybe a total of 10min, Jay-Z quoted these inspirational three little lines. I know I've heard it before, so I'm not about to give him credit for it, but still, inspirational nonetheless.

A little more than 24 hours until I can say "My President IS Black!!!"...

...and if I cannot say that by the end of tomorrow night, I am sure that there will be riots across the country, including right here in Philly.

Say a prayer, everyone. Pray for the safety of Obama and his family, and that votes will be fairly counted...places are already throwing out absentee ballots and miscounting Obama votes for McCain...
If there is a repeat of the infamous FL'00 election-scandal, this nation is about to tear itself apart...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Kleptomaniac Crackheads

Why is it that crackheads seem to have unlimited access to things? For instance, just the other night I was walking across Penn's campus to do some studying (and yes, it was Fall Break, so clap it up for my productivity). Mind you, it was only like 9pm, so I wasn't expecting to seeing anything crazy...I tend to expect random events late night, say...after midnight?

And what do I see...? A crackhead...coming towards me on the sidewalk...on a HORSE!!! I kid you not. My jaw literally hit the floor. Now, it takes a lot to stop traffic in Philly or to get people to stop in their tracks, as crazy occurrences seem to happen nonstop around here. But, of the 10-15 people that were on the street or in their cars, every last one of them stopped in their tracks and gawked. nonsensical!!! did he get a horse?!? This is Philly. Where would ANYONE get a horse, let alone a crackhead?!?

...and that's my random thought of the week.

(, clearly that's not the crackhead I saw...but, I couldn't resist!)

Monday, October 13, 2008

Red Bull: Wings, Brainwashing, and Strokes

I am the first to admit that I know absolutely NOTHING about advertising. However, from pure observation, it is crystal clear that anyone wanting to market anything needs to take a close look at Red Bull and emulate them. I mean...come on now...their reign on the energy drink market is ridiculous. How many people do you know that drink Red Bull? How many of these people are addicts and seem to always have a can on-hand for any given occasion? The messed up part is that I bet the people you're thinking of range in age from like 10-80 years I mean, how is that even feasible?!? How in the world do you get people of all ages hooked on a product in a matter of mere months?!? Maybe, just maybe, they sprinkle a little crack in

And what's even more absurd is their marketing campaign. I know we've all seen the crazy commercials, but have you actually really paid attention to them? Half of them make absolutely no sense!!! Whomever thought of the phrase "Red Bull gives you wings" must be a multimillionaire (and, was probably a rather simple individual that lucked out...but, I digress).

I do think that in the past year, Red Bull commercials have come full-circle and are starting to at least address the fact that it gives you a boost of energy, both mentally and physically. Actually, on second thought, most of these latest Red Bull commercials are just overtly sexual. But, I suppose by American standards, sex does sell... These advertisers are genius though. Think of how few pennies it costs to sketch those little cartoons (shoot, they could even do that flip-book style) and think how much any other commercial must cost to film and edit...

It probably doesn't hurt that they run around the country sponsoring ridiculous events, such as the Red Bull Soapbox race that hit here in Philly about a month ago. Oh, and they drive around in those little Red Bull hatchbacks, handing out free drinks. Actually...the more I think of it, Red Bull's campaign is probably based on some subliminal form of brainwashing...but, hey, it's clearly working.

All-in-all, Red Bull's reign has been pretty impressive...even if they might be helping to shorten the average American life-span (to be fair, I only say American because, although its a global product, Americans tend to abuse anything that can increase performance). There is a reason "Red Bull gives you wings" and that is because of the insane about of caffeine and different sugars found packed in that tiny little can. Sure, having one every-so-often probably isn't going to hurt you. But, think of all the people that are truly addicted...those that have at least one every evening, if not 3 through-out the day. Umm, caffeine addiction is REAL people! I know people that have wound up in the hospital due to a Red Bull-induced caffeine lie. I mean, there is a reason Red Bull is banned in certain countries (i.e. Norway, Denmark, Uruguay). But, do your thing, Red Bull...keep promoting early heart attacks and strokes!!!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Oh, Palin, Palin, Palin...smh... might just possibly be dumber than George W. Bush. I didn't think that it was possible for any public official to have a lower IQ than Dubya, but you may have just proven me wrong. Thanks to my good ol' standby, YouTube, I was able to get caught up on all of Palin's latest political blunders.

Well, first there was the Charlie Gibson interview. Not as bad as her next interview, but horrible, nonetheless. Then came the infamous Katie Couric interview. Now, to the Republican National Committee, "What were you thinking?!?" Seating Palin before Couric all unprepared like that was like throwing a paraplegic in with the sharks... But, since I'm 110% Obama-Biden, I suppose I should be saying, "Thank you!"

Did anyone else notice the change in Palin's voice between the two interviews? Gibson interview, it was normal. Couric interview - high pitched, shaky and screeching...she was probably scared to death, and rightly so...

And just when you thought Palin had been humiliated enough, SNL hit with possibly their greatest skit EVER!!! I honestly believe that Tina Fey deserves an Emmy for her remarkable performance of Palin. Like, I honestly forgot that was Fey a few times. People say Christian Bale was born to play Batman, well I say Tine Fey was born to play Palin. As a friend and I were discussing, possibly the funniest part about the whole skit was that most of it was verbatim from her interviews or public appearances, and yet still so hilariously idiotic!

You might be wondering, where has Palin been this past week? You want to know my opinion? If the Republican National Committee has any sense left in them, they have Palin hidden in a cave, strapped to a chair, eyelids tapped back and are bombarding her with information from all realms of politics (and perhaps throwing in a public speaking class or two).

I really want Palin to go on The View. They say they want to play nice and give her an opportunity to voice herself to America, but I know they'd tear her apart (except for annoying, whiny, conservative Elisabeth). I mean, look what they did to McCain...

Oh, and the Vice Presidential debates are coming up (Oct. 2nd)!!! Biden vs. Palin. Hmmm...who do you think will win? I cannot wait! I wonder if she has ever participated in a debate, as in even back in high This should be one for the books.

Lol...THANK YOU, PALIN!!! I haven't laughed this hard in weeks...

Oh, before I forget, does anyone know if Palin would become the presumptive Republican nominee for President if McCain were to become incapacitated during this campaign period?

Last ps, I swear. Please look at Matt Damon going off about the absurdity of McCain's selection of Palin as his VP, when he has a 1 in 3 chance of not surviving through his first term in He also likened this entire situation to a Disney movie gone wrong (also, a hilarious clip). Chevy Chase and his wife also went off on swear, I could keep going for hours...pure comedy, gotta love it :)

Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Touchdown Dance...R.I.P.

Today is Saturday. The day of cleaning, studying, and COLLEGE FOOTBALL. I'll admit, I'm no football fanatic, but I am a fan. I like most sports and can probably enjoy any match-up (including golf). But, to me, football is a little different than other sports. Looking at all the mess of players and bodies flying in the air, it is the perfect combination of an art and brute masculinity that really excites me and revs me up. Now, you might be thinking, I see the masculinity, but art? But to me, when the QB delivers a perfect pass, watching the ball soar through the air, making it safely through all the chaos on the field, and then landing in the soft hands of 250lb man, that's just a beautiful thing folks.

I remember playing tag football after school way back in elementary schools. We played with mixed boys and girls teams, two-hand touch style...but, I remember how much fun we had running around, trying to beat our opponents with "fancy footwork." But, the most fun we had were showing off our touchdown dances! I remember practicing these little dances with friends, imitating what we had seen in games or on commercials.

Fast-forward roughly 15 years...

I'm sitting here watching the VA Tech vs. UNC game, and UNC's Tate made a pretty nice run for a TD, but according to the refs "unnecessarily dove into the end zone," which they call excessive celebration, resulting in a penalty. What in the world has the game of football come to??? I remember days when the touchdown dance was revered and imitated by sports fans everywhere.

...and why are the refs acting like its a game like golf or tennis, where restraint and quietness are encouraged? Not to demean these aforementioned sports, but they are a bit on the anal-retentive end of the spectrum of sports. But, football? Football is nearly the antithesis of golf. As a rather physical sport, the players literally throw their whole bodies into the sport, and I think its only right that they be able to celebrate with their bodies in a little dance. I mean, really...what harm is a little 15 second celebratory dance inflicting? I know that I'd be excited as anything if I scored a touchdown, more so if it was like a 50yd run. Can you imagine how much adrenaline is pumping through those veins?? I think this overregulation of the game is taking a little heart out of it. I mean, a little celebratory exhibition is quite commonly a natural reaction. To restrict that, is to restrict a part of the player...

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Cell Phone Cancer

In my personal, non-expert opinion, I'm 99.9% sure that it is about to be proven in the next 10 years or so that cell phones cause brain cancer, or at least significantly increase the risk of developing it. That many electromagnetic waves directed towards the brain...I don't know about you, but I smell cancer. I know the skull is thick and all, but...I'd be careful. Especially those that use the bluetooth accessory...just adding a compounding factor to the equation.

Now, you may be thinking, Aren't there government regulations? Don't products have to undergo numerous rounds of testing to ensue their safety before being released to the general public? And, in a sense, you're a sense. If you know anything about the wonderful US, you also are aware of the history of corruption in amongst our nation's leaders. Would you really put in past greedy politicians and lobbyists to place on the market a product which is potentially damaging to citizens? Especially if its generating millions in revenue? I wouldn' has happened time and time again (cough cough: : Pharmaceuticals : : cough cough) The thing about cell phones, unlike many other products on the market, is that no other product before bore any resemblance to it. The closest thing we had were beepers, and let's face it, they are barely related. Unlike beepers, which do transmit signals to our bodies, we use our cell phones all the time, and right next to our brains. In many households, the standard telephone has been partially or completely replaced by cellular phones.

Here's a nice little summary. Cellular phones produce RF (radiofrequency energy...aka radio waves). RFs are a form of electromagnetic radiation. And while the amount of RFs produced by cell phones are supposedly too low to cause damage, the amount of cell phones users had risen exponentially in the past decade...meaning there are a lot more electromagnetic waves flying around all about us.

Pulling some facts straight from the National Cancer Institute's website:
A cellular telephone user’s level of exposure to RF energy depends on several factors, including: 
• the number and duration of calls
• the amount of cellular telephone traffic at a given time
• the distance from the nearest cellular base station 
• the quality of the cellular transmissions
• how far the antenna is extended
• the size of the handset
• whether or not a hands-free device is used

Hmm...has anyone reading this walked around Times Square at any time during the day? According to this description, Times Square is the epicenter of RF. The amount of people crammed in that however-many-block radius, all on cell phones...I don't know about you, but that sounds like a hotbed of RF to me.

While initial studies have indicated they are safe, longitudinal studies have yet to be carried out to fruition. It would truly take decades to properly conduct such a study, and we, as a nation and the entire world, were not ready to wait. Apparently most (but not all) studies show no correlation between cell phone usage and brain tumors. But, it is important to note that these do not take into account years of usage, and let's be real, cell phone usage has just recently become a craze (I'd say only within the past 10 years). My guess is that most of the people being studied, at most, were using cell phones for only 5 years. I know personally, I have been using a cell phone since 6th grade (yes, I was that one kid at school with the big ol' Zack Morris 10lb Where's the study to reassure me that 12 years of cell phone usage has not increased my risk of developing cancer? A: it doesn't exist.

Having studied a little bit of neuroscience, I am particularly concerned about possible cancer development among children. The human brain does not completely stop growing until the early 20s. As we all know, the highest age range of cell phone users are teenagers and young adults. Here is the equation as I see it: young, plastic brain + constant electromagnetic radiation (at low doses, of course) = developmental abnormalities ± brain cancer. (And I'm nearly 100% certain there are no studies on that)

Supposedly, using a hands-free model that distances the source of radiation (i.e. the cell phone) from the head if beneficial, as well as keeping conversations short. However, the newest fad has been the bluetooth. Uh...problem is that unlike the standard hands-free set (that connects the headset to the phone via a chord), bluetooth just adds in another step in the radiation process...yippie! Oh yeah, and apparently, it is safer to keep the cell phone further away from your body (i.e. not in a pocket or a phone clip). Now, for something that's supposedly non-harmful, there sure are many suggestions about how to be safer when using them... the advisory sent out by a doctor to his entire staff to limit their cell phone usage. Actually, the doctor is Dr. Ronald B. Herberman, and he is the head of a prominent cancer research institute (the Univ. of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute). Oh, and yeah, I forgot to mention that our friendly neighbor to the north (Canada) has issued an official warning to adolescents...haha, way to blow the US's cover, Canada...I appreciate yall! You see, Canada and I are on the same page...we already know what the US already knows, but doesn't want to admit: all this cell phone usage is about to kill off people like the Bubonic Plague! (well, hopefully it won't be that serious...but, I wouldn't be surprised) So, when you see me walking around with the old-fashioned, uncool corded headset, you know, I swear, I can hear better that way ;)

Monday, September 8, 2008

The 25th VMAs, a Recap

This post is going to be more free-thought in format...

Let's start with the host, Russell Brand = hilarious!! A million times better than that Sarah Silverman they had last year (maybe I just don't get her humor? But, somehow I doubt its just me) though his hair was...distracting...but, maybe that's a British rock star thing? I love how he, a British man, started off pubbing for Obama: "...Please, for the sake of the world, please vote for Barak Obama! …I know America is a forward-think country, how else would you have elected a retarded cowboy to office for 8 years?!? (lol) In Britain, we wouldn't have let bush hold a pair of scissors…” Aaahhhahahaha…got to love it!

I’m come to realize, no matter how hard I try to push it, I'm just not a Rihanna fan. “Umbrella” was hot (and let’s admit it, that all about the producer), other than that, I'll pass on her music. However, this little duet with TI was hot...might have used a much borrowed there an original thought left on the planet? Nah, didn't think so…

Oh yeah, TI is free!!! Yay!!!

Weezy F. Baby...too bad he is not attractive…not in the least. Talented young man, brilliant lyricist, but that is where that ends. But, just imagine if Lil’ Wayne looked handsome…crazy, right?!?

Chris Brown and Weezy shooting each other out...aww, how cute!!! You see, there is love left in the hip hop community!!!

Fanny Pack won! They might have not won on ABDC, but they’ve certainly won the hearts of Americans.

Pussy Cat Dolls...remember when Nicole went solo??? Lol…just a random thought that popped in my head. Also, I remember disdaining that song...and then it was somehow played on repeat on MTv, and became a “hit”…funny how that seems to happen… (Sidenot on MTv, I question the validity of having a VMA on a network that no longer truly shows music videos. As Justin Timberlake so loudly pointed out last year, MTv needs to play more music and less of these nonsense reality TV shows…but, I digress)

I don't get The Jonas Brothers craze. I honestly tried to put myself in the shoes of a 12 year old girl…and I just don’t get it. I can appreciate their promise rings (back off media). I think both Russell Brand and Jordan Sparks went a bit overboard…he just kept going on and on about them and their virginity, I mean, I feel like that’s just something you need to respect, especially in this day and age. And Sparks, I love her for standing up for them, she just needed to tone it down a few decibels.

Rock Band 2, what?!? with cymbals?!? That is basically a full drum set!!! Oh, it is on!!! Allow me to go on a brief tangent: The next installment of Guitar Hero (Guitar Hero World Tour) has, wait for it… …. … Flo-Rida's "Low" on its track list. What is this world coming too?!? I know many people who wanted a hip hop song on a Guitar Hero or Rock Band track list, but Low?!? Granted, Michael Jackson’s “Beat It” is said to also be on the game, but Low…I just have no words…

Lol, wait… Corbin Bleu, (the black boy from High School Musical…and no, as much as I love musicals, I have never watched it) he looks real cute off-set...not at all like that 16-year-old they make him play. I was in shock…looking like a man and all…I, for one, and impressed! Oh wait, let me stop…just looked up his info online…he’s definitely 4 years younger…let me nix that right now.

Paris Hilton's show (My New Bff), Paris!!! Way to slap Nicole Richie in the face! At least she has her ish together, and I respect her as a person…Paris…I have no words for you…and, does anyone else feel like Paris talks like she’s doped up on pain killers or something all the time? I’m just saying…

I see you LL Cool J, with the Jersey t-shirt on!! (Exit don't know what that means)...I’m just confused b/c he's from Queens...but whatevs, way to represent! Oh wait, this just in...its the name of his latest album (makes sense b/c you take Exit 13 on the NJ turnpike to go to Queens, aha…epiphany!)

Tokyo Hotel. 1) who are you? (ok, I know who they are, but only from my time spent in Germany…they did not deserve that award) 2) Male or Female...all members? The one I thought was obviously female opened its mouth...confusion then ensued.

I'm pretty sure the three awards Britney Spears won were an apology from MTv for exploiting her. These past few years, when she was going through hard times, they were quick to throw her before the cameras, knowing that she was a train wreck and that ratings would soar. Just take a look at last year’s VMAs. She opened them, was clearly on X, and just looked all-around like trash on-stage (they threw her up there against Timbaland’s wishes, the grand maestro of the night). Then, after that dreadful performance, Sarah Silverman proceeded to bash her and her children (I’m sorry, but no matter how much you dislike or disapprove of someone, you don’t call their children mistakes). Personally, I’m surprised she never won a Moonman before, as she’s had some good videos (“I’m a Slave”, “Toxic”, “One more Time”), but this year, other people deserved to win (i.e. Usher – “Love in this Club”, Weezy - “Lollipop”), some of which weren’t even mentioned (first two to pop in my head being Kanye West and Jay-Z).

I'm forever a P!NK, Christina Aguilera, and Kid Rock fan! I appreciate them, as they keep it real and do what they want…whether it is country, rock, rap, or singing (and they all have beautiful voices). They are original in their performances, creating new sounds and styles…and I liked all of their new songs! Best of all, they do not care if anyone is feeling them, as long as they are feeling themselves, they are happy. P.s. – Kid Rock, nice duo with Weezy (told you that boy had skill)!

Last, but certainly not least, what was Kanye doing at the end of the show?!? At times like these, he really seems to be Diddy incarnate...not a good look pimpin'(both have egos and try to “sing” when they shouldn't). Stick to what you do! (ps - don't they look like brothers in this pic I found?!? lol...ut-oh...)

All-in-all, decent show! Unlike last year, which was just a hotmess of a party in Vegas where everyone seemed on the verge of passing out, everyone this year seemed put together and still enjoying themselves. We appreciate it MTv, as in if we cannot be at the party, don’t ever again present us with a 3hour documentary of disjointed party that we cannot partake in or even begin to understand fully what is occurring. I know it is the more laid back awards show on television, but I’m glad to see it returned to a presentable broadcast. However, I am a wee-bit disappointed, for what are the VMAs without some sort of debacle?!?

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Awkward Turtle Locations

Now we all know certain locations are more conducive to awkward turtle moments. It is almost as if these locations amplify the amplitude of awkward vibes in the area, causing them to converge…on you!

#1 – Elevators
Probably the most obvious location, so let’s start here. Possibly the epitome of awkward situation locations, elevators leave you with no where to go, causing you to be literally boxed in with God-knows-who. These tight spaces, especially when packed with people, decrease the people to free space ratio, thus increasing the rate of invasion of personal space, which all lead to elevated awkwardness levels. Prime example: Empty elevator, save you. Elevator stops. You brace yourself for what might lie on the other side of the doors. People fill in, taking away your free air. As more people file in, you are less able to breathe freely. You don’t want to breathe too hard (no one likes breathing down other peoples’ neck), but at times it can be hard to breathe, especially if you’re jammed in their with taller individuals. The breathing scenario alone is awkward, and this doesn’t even include the possible insane conversations that you have inadvertently overhear, and inappropriately chuckle at. [sidenote: the most annoying conversation overheard is the rude person on the cell phone. It is irritating because the loud, annoying person gets reception, but you, however, Do Not!]

#2 - Stop lights
Now, I admit I have a bit of a temper…especially when behind the wheel, so this one may only apply to me. Doesn’t it always seem that right after you cut someone off on the road or have an intense bout of road rage, you wind up neck-and-neck with the car you offended and stuck at the longest red light in the world?!? Then you just sit and wait, trying not to glance over at the guy you offended only moments before, hoping they’re not glaring at you, and hoping even more that its not a really attractive guy behind the wheel...or worse, a cop in an undercover car. And when that light turns green…pedal to the metal and GO! [the icing on the cake is always when the driver of the other car is a co-worker…aaand you’re one block from work…aaaaaand you just look like a complete maniac behind the wheel. This is why I drive extra cautious when I’m in a 5 mile radius of my place of employment] Also, stop lights are the perfect spot for drivers to be harassed in any city, by locals trying to sell anything. In Philly, items of choice seem to be newspapers, bean pies, water, and Gatorade. In other cities, its flowers, ripped CDs, tickets, drugs, or window wiper service. Either way, lock those doors, roll up the windows, and avoid all eye contact!

#3 - Gynecologist exams
Pretty self-explanatory: Trying to make small talk (which, in and of itself has a propensity for awkwardness) with your feet in the stirrups, trying to relax, while a doctor is all up in your most personal space possible…talk about intimate.

#4 - Bathroom stalls
Doesn’t it always seem like whenever you’re talking about something personal/embarrassing/juicy the most unexpected person pops out of the corner stall during that awkward lull in conversation?!? Then, there’s the awkward moment in front of the mirror at the sinks, where the internal debate rages between whether you will a) acknowledge their presence verbally, pretending nothing happened, b) make eye-contact via the mirror and give a nod and maybe a meager “hey”, or c) completely ignore their presence (even if they reach across you to dispense some soap and ask you to pass them a paper towel) and pray under your breath that they leave with toilet paper stuck to the bottom of their shoe…or maybe that’s just me…?!?

#5 - Packed Subway
Kinda like the elevator, but being in a much larger venue, it allows for an increased range of awkward experiences. Much like the elevator, where you can be trapped with any looney (both in empty and cramped spaces), the subway does afford you the option of switching cars…but, 1) you never know what waits in the other car and 2) that door goes both ways – crazies can be let in too. I’d say the types of people encountered on subways are relatively constant across regional and national boarders. Common awkward individuals encountered include The Crackhead (don’t know what they’re saying, but you know they’re talking to you), Homeless (asking for money, might be carrying every possession they own, probably look dingy and are smelly), and there’s Smelly (the unidentifiable, sometimes identifiable, stinky individual that you pray doesn’t wind up with their armpit in your face). I don’t even know what else to say about the subway…we have a love/hate relationship.

# 6 - Silence
I don’t know how to classify this, but in my opinion, most places where there is complete and utter silence, there is an extremely high potential for the situation to spontaneously become overwhelmingly awkward. You know you’re just sitting there in silence, waiting for something awkward to happen – a cell phone ring, a random outcry, even a streaker. Then, when the random interruption does occur, you’re left debating how to respond. Instinctively, I most likely erupt with laughter, and if I have any sense left in me, I attempt (usually futilely) to stifle my giggles. And, we’re all familiar with the silent, awkward moment where you know you dare not look around, because if you do, there’s a 99.99995% chance your eyes will meet with the one person who will cause you to burst out into inappropriate laughter, drawing all negative attention to you.

While not every awkward scenario can be prevented, there are two measures that can be taken to greatly reduce the likelihood of said awkward situations involving you, even if you are caught in one of the aforementioned locations.
1st: Throw on those hata blockas! 9 times out of 10, no eye contact = no personal contact. I swear, when that crackhead makes eye contact, they sense vulnerability and pounce on you like a shark on chum. As an added bonus, as long as they're dark enough, you can oogle anything or anyone you please with people being none the wiser :)
2nd: iPod/mp3 player/cell phone. To be quite honest, most of the time a simple pair of headphones will suffice. The appearance of being unable to hear reduces the likelihood of being approached (note reduces, not eliminates). The unattached headphones fail when something utterly ridiculous occurs, resulting in overwhelming fits of laughter.

Alright…enough of being silly…time for beauty rest. Later…

Thursday, August 14, 2008


So, besides this being finals week, my computer decides to go ahead and be weak, and allow umpteen viruses to infect my computer. To summarize my frustrations... 1) every other time I turn on my computer, it automatically shuts off in 30 seconds, 2) the virus(es) prevent me from accessing certain websites, especially those that discuss how to delete these viruses and improve your computer safety, 3) they restrict me from installing the necessary Windows updates that include patches to block them, 4) apparently, they are compromising my online security, 5) they frequently cause my laptop to freeze and make odd noises...really, the list could continue.

I was talking to a friend about my troubles, and instead of being sympathetic she laughed in my face and said there aren't any known viruses for Mac pcs, which got me thinking...How is that possible? Granted, I doubt there are any viruses for Linux, but then again, who uses that? Mac, on the other hand, is pretty popular, why not harass those users too?

Want my opinion on the matter? Either Mac is secretly hiring these computer hackers to devise obnoxious viruses specifically targeting the Bill Gates empire (which is my bet) or Mac pcs are so tightly structured, its taking hackers a looooong time to devise a plan, however, once they do, I believe it will devastate the entire Mac community. Maybe Mr. Gates isn't a good boss, and all his disgruntled employees spend their free time making these pests to target the holes they know are in the system. Eh, either next laptop, if it is my choice, will be a Mac. Go Apple!

Monday, August 11, 2008

And R.I.P. Isaac Hayes

Wow, what a sad weekend. First, Bernie Mac, now Mr. Sexy himself, Isaac Hayes (you know you his deep, baritone voice too...don't front). At the age of 65, Hayes' wife found his body lying beside their treadmill in Memphis. Arguably, Hayes is best known (at least by the older population) for the music he created for the Shaft soundtrack. While many of us were probably too young to have ever seen the movie, thanks to Will Smith's Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, I'm sure we're all familiar with the beat, the episode, and Will's infatuation with Shaft (Shaft...can you dig it?...yup, that was Isaac Hayes, who also played the groovy minister in Las Vegas). And though I am by no means an avid fan, I have watched enough episodes of South Park to recognize Hayes lending his voice to the Black chef (I think the character's name was Chef?). Eh, I'm not a fan of the show, but he sure did make that character memorable.

Besides his sexy voice, Hayes' is well known for his genius behind the scenes. Let's see, he won an Emmy, a Golden Globe and three Grammies (2 of which were for his musical creation for Shaft). He was even nominated for an NAACP Image Award just a few years ago for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series (really though, NAACP?!? You all condone that show...but, I digress). Truly a talented man, no where near the end of his prime. It is a shame he is gone, but his legacy lives on forever. Much love to the Hayes family.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

R.I.P. Bernie Mac

Bernard Jeffrey McCullough died yesterday morning, at the age of 50, from complications due to pneumonia. Like many others in the Philly area, I found out as I was driving to Target to run my Saturday errands. Boyz II Men's It's so hard to say Goodbye to Yesterday had just finished playing, when the radio host announced that he had massed earlier this morning. What an odd way to go out - pneumonia complications. I know that, especially in America, we tend to take for granted medical advances that have helped mankind overcome diseases we now consider almost trivial. I mean, how many people do you hear of dying from pneumonia? or strep throat? Thank God for the variety of antibiotics, as well as basic and advanced medical procedures that have helped increase life expectancy rates. However, this loss of such a talented, and relatively younger, life serves as a reminder. A reminder of how fragile life is, of how tomorrow is not guaranteed.

So, here's to the late Bernie Mac. An Original King of Comedy, whom many of us grew up with on television through his show, The Bernie Mac Show (which I still watch in syndication). And to memorable roles such as Bosley and Frank Catton in the Charlie's Angels and Ocean's Eleven remakes. Despite any recent negative publicity Mac might have created in the Obama campaign (which was simply a matter of poor taste for the occasion), all remember him as an upstanding male role model in the Black community. A great comic and a lovable guy, Bernie Mac will always be remembered.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

HIV/AIDS…More of a Black Issue than you Thought

As I am studying for my BioChemistry and Cell Biology Exam, I stumbled across an interesting sidenote in some extra reading I was doing (yes, I do extra reading…yes, I’m a nerd…I embrace it). I will attempt to summarize the findings as simply as possible, so bear with me.

Roughly 900 years ago, the Black Plague hit Europe, killing roughly 1/3 of its population. Most who survived The Plague survived due to an advantageous mutation in their alleles of the gene producing CCR-5. What is CCR-5? CCR-5 is the name of part of a macrophage, which are the part of our body’s immune system that eats invading viruses and bacteria.

Normally, exposure to HIV results in the CCR-5 producing macrophage to be “hijacked” by the virus and used against the host to propagate infection. However, in its mutated form, CCR-5 is strong enough to basically beast the virus and devour it. In other words, if one is homozygous for this mutant allele (i.e. carry two copies of the mutated gene), they are immune to HIV/AIDS. Those heterozygous for it (i.e. carry only one copy of the mutated gene) still have some protection from the virus. But, those that have no copies for the mutation are fully susceptible to HIV infection.

It appears as though the mutated form of this allele originated in the general area of Sweden, and extended to most of North Western Europe. This mutation seems to have occurred well before The Plague hit, meaning that when it swept through Europe, it more or less eliminated those without the defect, leaving a large percentage of the population carrying those mutated alleles.

Through gene editing, scientists are working on a way to confer this immunity to everyone. Now, don’t get your hopes up too quickly. As you may or may not know, there is much we still don’t know about gene interactions, and it is more or less and trail-and-error method being used…meaning, the solution could come tomorrow or in 10 years, but it does seem that it is out there.

Surprised? I know I still am. But, wait…it doesn’t stop here...

Not only do many White people have a mutation that gives them an advantage, but Blacks have one that gives them a disadvantage. I kid you not (you know, at times like these, it feels like sometimes you just can’t win). The mutation originally was beneficial, as it kept Africans immune to malaria. However, it now renders people of African descent 40% more likely to catch HIV. Apparently, the mutation’s benefit is that it slows progression of HIV, giving the infected individual a whole 2 years more of life…whoopty-doo, two more years to a shortened, disease-ridden life. Roughly 90% of Africans and 60% of African Americans carry the mutation...those are some high percentages.

Makes you rethink some things, right? Like…how heavily are all the HIV/AIDS statistics influenced by these findings? Are Blacks and Whites engaging in the same potentially dangerous behaviors at the same rates, but these mitigating factors are drastically skewing the results? Or even worse, are Whites participating in riskier sexual behavior (as has been suggested in the gay community), but just aren't reaping the consequences? Clearly, we can't just ignore the social factors that contribute to the statistics (such a poverty, inadequate health care, etc), however, certainly genetics play a major role. But what can you do? This genetic information is just more of a reason the Black community needs to practice safe sex or abstinence. Until this immunity to HIV is developed, all I can say is WRAP IT UP!