Tuesday, January 26, 2010


So, apparently I suck at blogging. Or maybe I just suck at juggling two blogs...yeah, that's probably it. In any event, my bad yall. Quick recap of life. I work a lot, I quit the whole vegetarian thing (actually wasn't hard to do, I just wasn't getting enough protein...might try again in the future), and other than that I'm just trying to enjoy my last few months of freedom before I get reigned back into being a hermit in the library.

I will say that I'm rooting hard for the Saints to take the Superbowl. I'm ~95% sure I'm going to chose Tulane, so I figured why not join in the NOLA mentality from Jersey. So, #geauxSaints! (And yes, I incorporate twitter into my other daily communications...#dontjudgeme)

In other random news, I think my job is desensitizing my hands. I just spilled a hot venti tea on my hands and it didn't even hurt :/ Something tells me that's not a good sign though...

Ok, I'm really going to make an effort to write at least a little something a few times a week, starting now!