Unless you have been living under a rock this past month, I am sure you have at least heard rumors about Vogue Italia: The Black Issue. From the moment the rumors landed on my ears, I went on a nonstop search for the illusive magazine. Seriously, I looked like a fiend every time I entered Barnes & Noble. And, every time, they were sold out. Finally, early last week, I was able to snatch (literally) the last copy off the newsstand with victory…persistence is key! Unlike the original print, my copy is shrink-wrapped and reads “First Reprint. The Most Wanted Issue Ever.” Never has a truer statement been made. In both
I must admit, when I first opened my issue, I was a bit disappointed. I had been told that the entire magazine would use only Black models, but much to my surprise, all of the first ads consisted of only White people. In confusion, I double-checked the cover and then flipped to the middle, where my eyes were pleasantly delighted to behold a magnificent 100+ page spread of my beautiful Black sisters. The stellar line-up of models includes Chanel Iman, Tyra Banks, Naomi Campbell, Toccara Jones, Grace Jones, Jourdan Dunn, Liya Kebede, Alek Wek, Pat Cleveland, and Karen Alexander, just to name a few. Photographed by the magnificent Steven Meisel, I think the issue was purely delightful :) I must say, the throwback of old photos and Essence & Ebony covers gave the spread a certain finesse…nicely done! (Though, I personally did not find Naomi’s topless section fashionable…not in the least) I find it odd that outside of the spread, the adverts consisted of only white people. Logically, I assumed that in an issue dedicated to appreciating Black Beauty, ads would likewise reflect this sentiment. Guess I was asking for too much at once?
In a world driven by supply-and-demand, the sales records set by The Black Issue should, in my opinion, greatly help advance a movement in the fashion world towards diversified runways and photo shoots...hopefully. I do believe French Vogue has followed suit with a Black model gracing the
cover (but, it is on 1 of 2 covers, with the other one being a White model, aaaand there is only one other photo of a Black girl in the magazine...Do Better, France!). In the past, I have limited my financial supported (i.e. purchases) to magazines such as Ebony and Essence, that depict beauty to which I can relate (think The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison). However, if diversity becomes a trend in fashion magazines, perhaps I shall be divvying up my money between a few more magazines.
Good job Franca Sozzani (editor-in-chief) and Steven Meisel (photographer)!!! I hear sales are up 650+% from the last issue!!! (but why not US vogue?) Aside from the (basically) white-only adverts (where the $$$ is), my only other complaint is that I cannot read Italian :(
Oh, and the fact that the concept for this entire issue was partially spurred by Obama’s victory on the campaign trail: icing on the cake!
Black is Back, Baby!!!
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